Goan Beef steak with onion /Bife de cebolada

Ingredients: Steak – I took 2 steaks 100gms each. Pepper powder or crushes as required. Salt to taste 2.5 tablespoon oil 1 medium size onion 1 medium size Potato 1 clove of garlic Coriander for garnish Optional ingredients: Bancal sauce 1 teaspoon Small tomato cut into slice. Preparation: 1. Keep the steak whole or cut…

Meat Pulao

Ingredients: 500-600gms beef or mutton with little bone 1 ¼ teaspoon ginger and garlic paste. 1 Maggie cube (10gms optional) 2 medium potatoes cut into cubes (big size) 2 ½ cups rice 3 tablespoon ghee Salt to taste For stock: 2 bay leaf 15-18 peppercorns ½ large onion chopped 1 inch cinnamon stick 8 cloves…

Kunnem Maas / Kundlem Maas

This recipe is using the slow cooking process and the meat that was used in this recipe were tough cuts of meat that took time to cook. Now a day’s folks use pressure cooker to speed up the process. If the pieces were cut big then the cooking time with this method might increase to…

Alda Curry

This recipe came about as I was having yet another conversation with David about this new recipe and what the outcome would taste like. I had a small amount of ingredients to make Green masala curry, but the meat quantity was big for this masala. I asked David during our conversation “what do you think…

ISCAS / Iscas com elas / Iscas de figado

Ingredients: 500gms Liver (mutton/beef/pork) For Marinate: 1 teaspoon coriander powder ¼ teaspoon cumin powder ½ teaspoon red chili powder ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder 1teaspoon ginger & garlic paste ¼ teaspoon crushed pepper Salt to taste Other ingredients: 2 large onion finely chopped (more the better) 2 tablespoon chopped coriander for garnish 2 green chilies chopped…

Beef chili fry

Ingredients: ½ kg Beef cut into cubes To marinate: Juice of one small lime 3 tablespoon Roast meat masala 1 ½ tablespoon ginger & garlic paste ½ teaspoon chili powder ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder 5gms of Maggie cube Pinch of sugar Salt to taste Pressure cooker ingredients: 1 Onions copped 1 Kashmiri chili ¼ cup…

Goan Potato Chops

Ingredients: ½ kg mince 6 medium potatoes boiled 1 large onion chopped 1 large tomato finely chopped 1 sprig of curry leaves (optional) 2 tablespoon tamarin water Pinch of sugar 2 eggs 100gms Semolina/ Rawa Salt to taste Masala to grind: ½ cup coriander leaves 2 green chilies 1 small red chili 3 cloves ½…

Goan Beef Roulade / Beef Olives / Beef Rolado (with Chorisam)

Ingredients: 500gms Beef cut into thin slices 10+5 (15) Goan small beads chorisam 1 medium Potato 1 medium Capsicum 1 medium Carrot 2 medium size onion finely chopped 1 green chilies finely chopped 1 large tomato finely chopped ¼ teaspoon turmeric 1 ½ teaspoon chili powder 1 ½ teaspoon ginger and garlic paste 3 tablespoon…


Ingredients 1 kg Beef (bone-in or boneless) 2 ½ teaspoon ginger and garlic paste ¾ large lime (juice) Salt to taste Other ingredients: Small ball of tamarind (in luke warm water) 2 medium size onions chopped 2 large potatoes cubed 2 slit green chillies 1 green chilli chopped 1 large tomato chopped 2 sprigs of…


Ingredients: 1- Ox tongue medium size cleaned 2 onions chopped 3 Kashmiri chilies 2 limes (juice) 2 tsp ginger and garlic paste ½ teaspoon turmeric powder 1 Maggi bouillon (10gms) 1 ½  tablespoon oil Salt to taste Roast masala to grind: 42 cloves of peppercorns 2 cardamoms 3 inch cinnamon stick 1 ¼  teaspoon cumin…


Ingredients: ½ kg pork without skin (it should have little fat) ½ kg beef 1 ½ teaspoon ginger and garlic paste *** Meat is boneless *** Stew can be made with combination of any of this meats (pork, beef, chicken and choris) *** We do it with 2 meats, it can also be done only…