Goan Beef steak with onion /Bife de cebolada

Goan Beef Steak


Steak – I took 2 steaks 100gms each.

Pepper powder or crushes as required.

Salt to taste

2.5 tablespoon oil

1 medium size onion

1 medium size Potato

1 clove of garlic

Coriander for garnish


Optional ingredients:

Bancal sauce 1 teaspoon

Small tomato cut into slice.

Goan Steak with potato and onions


1. Keep the steak whole or cut into desire size as I did.

2. Wash the steak.

3. Apply salt and pepper ( I like more pepper but its as per your taste and liking and Bancal sauce if using)

4. Set its aside for 15 minutes.


5. Cut the potatoes into rounds and add it to a bowl of water with some salt.


6. Cut the onion into rings.



7. Now in a pan add oil and fry the potatoes well on both sides.


8. Once done put them in a plate and set aside.


9. Next add the crush garlic followed by the steak to the same pan and on medium heat cook the steak on both sides.


10. I like to keep the steak medium to well done.


11. Remove the steak in a plate and let it rest.

12. Add the onion rings to the same pan, sprinkle little water to deglaze the pan.

13. I use less water as I don’t what the onions too soft ( slight crunch is how I prefer it but some like it caramelized).


14. If you are using tomato add them to the pan and sear on both sides to make it slightly soft (optional)

15. Now serve the Steak with onion rings and fried potatoes.

Beef steak with onion Goa

16. Your Bife de Cebolada is ready to be served, garnish with some coriander leaves.

Bife de cebolada

Enjoy life, Its delicious.

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