Antam Bakari

Anatm Bhakri


8-10 mackerel Antam

Pinch of salt

Little water about 1 ½ teaspoon (more if required)

2 ¼ tablespoon ragi flour (millet / nachni)

2 Cashew tree leaves (more if required)

4 toothpicks



1. Clean the mackerel and separate the aanth / antam ( some folks use only the liver so its your choice).

2. Wash and put the anta into a clean bowl.


3. Now mix it with pinch of salt and nachni pit / ragi flour.


4. The consistency should be as below picture ( add little water).


5. Now clean the cashew leaves well and pat it dry.

6. Spread the paste on the leaf and once done cover it with the other leaf.


7. Now secure it with toothpicks on all 4 sides.


8. On a hot tawa place the leaf and on low flame cook the Bakri.


9. Turn on regular intervals.

10. Finally when the bakri is done you will realize that the leaf on both sides and turned crispy and dry.



11. Once your Anta bakri is done remove the toothpick and the leaves.

Goan Mackeral Liver

12. The bakri will have a pattern of the leaf since it was wrapped in it to cook.

Antam Podem

13. Your Antam Bakri / aanth polle is ready to be served.


Enjoy life, Its delicious.

*** Note: back in the days this was cooked on hot ash, the leaf would be covered with hot ash from both sides.

One Comment Add yours

  1. Irene says:

    Hello Chef …. what consists of antam of the mackerels besides the liver …. please let me know… thanks


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