Kondoyo sukem w/Samaracho masalo

Ingredients: 45 – 50 Kondoyo (young kubbe) 4-5 tablespoon grated coconut 1 large onion chopped 2 tablespoon Samaracho masalo 1-2 green chili chopped Pinch of sugar Salt to taste. Preparation: 1. Wash and clean the shells well. 2. Add all the cleaned clams into a pot with ¼ cup water and give it a boil….

Antam Bakari

Ingredients: 8-10 mackerel Antam Pinch of salt Little water about 1 ½ teaspoon (more if required) 2 ¼ tablespoon ragi flour (millet / nachni) 2 Cashew tree leaves (more if required) 4 toothpicks Preparation: 1. Clean the mackerel and separate the aanth / antam ( some folks use only the liver so its your choice)….