Beef Curry with coconut (Mother-in-laws recipe) / Pedrinha’s Goan Beef Curry recipe

Goan Beef Curry with coconut

This is my late Mother-in-laws (Pedrinha Fernandes) recipe which she had handed over to my Wife (Antoinette Fernandes) as we were going through her old diary we found this recipe and thought its worth sharing with Family and Friends.

Pedrinha’s Goan Beef Curry recipe


½kg Beef cut into cubes (this recipe can also be done with Mutton)

1 ½ teaspoon of ginger & garlic paste

Salt to taste

Masala to grind:

1 cup of grated coconut

3 Kashmiri chilies

½ teaspoon khus-khus / Poppy seeds

1 ½’ inch cinnamon sticks

5 cloves

10-14 peppercorns

2 cardamoms

¼ teaspoon coriander seeds

¼ teaspoon cumin

½ teaspoon turmeric powder

3 sprigs of coriander leaves

2-3 green chilies


Other ingredients:

2 medium potatoes cut into cubes (slightly big)

2 medium onions chopped

2 tomatoes chopped

2 sprigs of coriander leaves

1 slit green chili

80 ml tamarind water

Salt to taste

¼ tablespoon sugar

*** There was a small note next to Onions which read (More onions better the curry) which reminded me that Mom too use to say the same.

Goan Beef Curry


1. Marinate the cleaned beef cubes with salt and ginger & garlic paste (set aside).


2. Grind the masala with little water to a fine paste (all the ingredients listed under: Masala to grind).


3. Cut the potatoes into cubes and put them in water with some salt.


4. Put the beef into a pressure cooker with 1 ½ cup water and cook for 5-6 whistles on medium flame. Set aside, we will use the stock in the cooking process.


1. Take a big kadai / pot and add oil and sauté the onions till they turn translucent.

2. Now add the chopped tomatoes and cook till they are soft and mashed.


3. To this add the potatoes and cook for 2 minutes with ½ cup beef stock.


4. At this point add the ground masala and cook for a minute.


5. Add 1 ½ cup water to the mixer grinder to remove the masala from the jar.

6. Once you have done this add this masala water to the pot.

7. Now add the boiled beef to the pot along with 1 cup stock water.


8. Cover and let it come to a roaring boil.

9. Now add tamarind water and cook till the potatoes are almost done.



10. Open the pot and add slit green chilies and check salt to taste.


11. Once the potatoes are cooked sprinkle chopped coriander and sugar.


12. Your Goan Beef Curry with coconut is ready to be served.

MIL's Beef Curry

Mother In Laws - Beef Curry

Enjoy life, it’s delicious.

3 Comments Add yours

  1. Juliana says:

    Shall definitely try this recipe. Thanks for sharing this recipe.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Shilpa says:

    This sounds like a great recipe! Can I make it with chicken also?

    Liked by 1 person

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