Kalwache Molho / Kalvachi Molho /Kalvam Moll

Goan Pickle - Molho


1 ½ – 2 cup cleaned kalwa /Oysters

½ teaspoon turmeric powder

½ teaspoon Chili powder

4 + 2 tablespoon oil

Salt to taste


Masala to grind:

18-20 Kashmiri chilies

8-9 cloves of garlic

½ inch ginger

1 ½’ inch cinnamon sticks

12-14 cloves

32 – 34 peppercorns

1 teaspoon cumin

1 teaspoon turmeric powder

1 cup vinegar


Other ingredients:

170ml oil

⅓cup vinegar

4 cloves of garlic finely chopped

2 tablespoon sugar


1. Marinate the cleaned oysters with salt, chili and turmeric powder (set aside).


2. Grind the masala with vinegar ( please don’t use water in this recipe)


1. Take a big kadai / pan and fry the marinated oysters slightly (I did in two batched with 4 tablespoon oil and in the same pan add 2 tablespoon oil to fry the second batch.


2. Remove the fried oysters and set aside.


3. In the same Pan add 170ml oil, as it becomes hot add the chopped garlic and cook till they slightly change colour.

4. Now to this add the ground masala (grind it fine) and give it a stir.


5. Add ⅓ cup of vinegar to the grinder to remove all the masala that’s in the jar and add to the pan.


6. Now add the sugar and mix well.


7. Once the sugar dissolves add the fried oysters.


8. Let your Molho cook for 7 -9 minutes on low flame.

9. Keep stirring to insure it doesn’t burn or get stuck to the bottom of the pan.

10. Check salt to taste.


11. Add little oil if required.

12. Switch off the gas and let the Molho cool.

Goan Molho

13. Now take a sterile jar and add the Molho to it (about 1 cm below the rim of the jar).

14. Let it mature for 14 days in a dark place.

Kalwa Molho

15. Your Goan Kalwa Molho is ready to be served.

Kalwachi Molho

Enjoy life, it’s delicious.

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