Motyealim Sukkem / Motyealenchem sukhem

Ingredients: 20 – 25 Motyealim / motyala 1 cup grated coconut (70gms) 1 small onion chopped 2-3 green chilies chopped ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder Pinch of chili powder 1 tablespoon tamarind water 3-4 kokum petals ½ tablespoon oil Salt to taste Preparation: 1. Wash and clean the fish. 2. Apply salt and set aside. 3….

Goan Salted pork curry with ladyfinger

Ingredients: 600gms Salted pork without skin and little fat 1 large onion chopped 1 large tomato chopped 2 slit green chilies Small bowl of tamarind in 90ml warm water 140gms Lady Finger / Bhende 5-6 kokum petals 5gms Maggi bouillon (optional) Ingredients for coconut milk: ½ freshly grated coconut (70-80gms) 1 cup water Ingredients to…